2018/12/18 pHと浸透圧の変化と尿の混入が馬の精子に与える影響を調べた論文を読んでみた

2018/12/18 引き続き牛の精子に対する尿の影響を調べている。とうとう馬の精子に対する尿の影響を調べた論文(10.1016/S0093-691X(01)00593-3)を読んでみた。

  • 【背景】
  • 【目的】
  • 【材料と方法】
    pH, 浸透圧を変化させて(実験1, 2)、また尿を混ぜて(実験3)、精子の運動性を評価した。さらに、尿と精液の混ぜたものに、増量剤を添加や遠心を行い、精子の運動性を評価した。
    Semen was collected and subjected to conditions of varying pH (Experiment 1), of varying osmolarity (Experiment 2), and various quantities and concentrations of urine (Experiment 3) and effects on motility were recorded. Finally, semen was contaminated with urine and then either of 2 semen extenders was added, with or without centrifugation, in an attempt to alleviate the detrimental effect of urine on motility (Experiment 4).
  • 【結果】
    pHと浸透圧の変化は精子の運動性を低下させた(図1, 2)。
    The results of these experiments showed that alterations in pH and osmolarity negatively affected stallion sperm motility. Optimal pH and osmolarity appeared to be approximately 7.7 and 315, respectively.

    Contamination of the ejaculate with urine significantly decreased sperm motility. Smaller quantities of dilute urine were less detrimental than larger quantities of dilute urine, and dilute urine was less detrimental than more concentrated urine.

    The addition of semen extender restored the motility of urine contaminated semen to that of the uncontaminated control, however centrifugation to remove urine provided no significant advantage.

  • 人の結果と同様に、pH, 浸透圧の変化、尿の混入が精子の運動性に悪影響を及ぼしていることが示されていた。





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