2019/1/26 実験的にハエが夏季乳房炎の原因菌を媒介していることを証明した論文を読んでみた


  • 【背景】
    Summer mastitis is an acute suppurative bacterial infection of the udder in heifers and dry cows.
  • 【目的】
    To ascertain the possible role of flies in the transmission of the disease.
  • 【材料と方法】
    先だって原因菌(夏季乳房炎の臨床例)に暴露したHydrotaea irritansを実験的に8頭の未経産牛の乳頭に限局して暴露した。4本の乳頭のうち、2本は傷を模すために乳頭を少し傷つけておいた。
    Experimental exposures of recipient heifers to Hydrotaea irritans previously exposed to bacteria were carried out. Flies were allowed to feed on secretions from clinical cases of summer mastitis. The pathogens present were the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Actinomyces pyogenes, S tuart-Schwan cocci, Peptococcus indolicus, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Bacterioides species. The teats of eight heifers were exposed to flies with verified pathogen content. Two teats of each animal were deliberately damaged before fly exposure. One teat was cut, another pricked with insect needles to mimic insect bites.
  • 【結果】
    Two of the heifers developed summer mastitis in the quarters where teats had been cut. The bacterial species isolated from these quarters corresponded to those that had previously been fed to the flies.
  • 【結論】
    Hydrotaea irritansは夏季乳房炎の原因菌を伝播し、夏季乳房炎を引き起こす。乳頭口の傷が乳房炎発症の要因になっているかもしれない。
    For the first time, it is now demonstrated that H.irritans is capable of transmitting summer mastitis pathogens and so causing summer mastitis in recipient heifers. Lesions on the teat orifice may be a predisposing factor in the development of the disease.

  • 単にハエに曝した牛では夏季乳房炎を発症していないので、単に皮膚の常在菌が関与しているのではなさそうだ。見過ごされがちだが、「乳頭口の傷+原因菌を持ったHydrotaea irritans」が夏季乳房炎を引き起こす前提となっていることがハッキリと示されている。

    さて、次はHydrotaea irritansについての論文を調べよう。



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